- 1.
Letters to the editor from the section Habari za Kwetu in Mwana Shaba
(Journal d'entreprise de l'U.M.H.K.)
- 2.
The history of Zaire as told and painted by Tshibumba Kanda Matulu in
conversation with Johannes Fabian
- 3.
Le pouvoir se mange entier - Power is eaten whole: A play by the "Troupe
Théâtrale Mufwankolo" of Lubumbashi
- 4.
Vocabulaire de ville de Elisabethville: A history of Elisabethville
from its beginnings to 1965. Compiled and written by André Yav
- 5.
Teachings of the Jamaa movement: Texts and commentaries transcribed
, translated, and commented by Johannes Fabian
- 6.
L'art populaire de Mufwankolo.
Entretien et spectacle transcrits et traduits par Ghislain Gulda El
Magambo Bin Ali et Pascal Maloji Kabemba ( alias Pascal de Saint Malo),
revu par Mutonkole Lunda Wa Ngoyi, présenté par Alain
- 7.
"Magic and modernity": A conversation with a herbalist and
practitioner of magic, transcribed and translated by Johannes Fabian
- 8.
Ukumbusho by Achille Mutombo
- 9.
Vivre et exercer le métier de peintre sous la pluie des balles et
des flèches empoisonnées des rebelles à Bunia, Congo-Zaïre. Témoignage
de l'artiste Joseph (Jeef) Bosemo,
recueilli par Pierre Sugabo Yakisabo, transcrit, annoté et traduit
en français par Ibio Nzunguba
- 10.
Language and labor: Conversations about work, language, and life, transcribed
, translated, and commented by Johannes Fabian
- 11.
Swahili remembered: Two conversations, transcribed
, translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian
- 12.
Conversations about Katanga Genre Painting in the 1970s, transcribed
, translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian
- 13.
Conversations with the painters Mwenze Kibwanga and Pilipili Mulongoy, transcribed
, translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian
- 14.
The Jamaa Files, transcribed
, translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian
- 15.“Prayer groups” in Lubumbashi: A conversation with Régine Tshitamba and members of her family, recorded 24. 6. 1986 at her home in Lubumbashi, Zone Kampemba, transcribed, translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian
- 16. Churches proliferating – where will it end? A play by Mufwankolo and two members of his troupe., transcribed, translated, and
commented on by Johannes Fabian
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last updated: 5 May 2017
by Vincent de Rooij