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and Popular
Culture in Africa
14 January 2005
Hiyi Site ya
Internet LPCA (Language and Popular Culture in Africa) iko inafuata mambo
mbiri. Yakuanza ni kuandika mawazo ya mu ma luga na mazowezo ya bantu
ba mu Afrika ya katikati. Ya piri ni kutangaza miandiko njoo kusema bitabu
ao tu ma articles pa makazi ile bantu banafanya pa ile ma luga na mazowezo
ya bantu ba mu Afrika ya katikati. Ndjo mana hiyi site iko na bipande
mbiri. Yakuanza ni ma archives ile inachunga miandiko ya mu kiswahili
kietu kia mu njiya (hapana kile kia ku masomo) Yapiri ni journal ao revue
mule mutakua munatoka ile ma kazi yenye kuangalia ma luga na mazowezo
ya bantu ba mu Afrika ya katikati. Tuta ongeza tena kipande kia tatu kile
kita angaria bintu sa ma dessins ile ba nafanyaka ku bibambashi, mu bitabu,
pa ma mbao ao pa ma mifuko ya bunga ya farine juu ya kuonesha bantu, banyama,
mikini ya ku pori ao bintu bingine.
Kama una soma ma archives ya
hiyi site yetu utaonamo arisi ya histoire du Congo, michezo ya theatre,
masungumuzo na mafundisho na matextes ya namna ingine. Lakini hiyi archives
ina paswa ku nenepa juu ya kuchunga tena ma textes ya mbele ya 1960 na
ya kiisha 1990. Tena aitabakia tu mpaka na ma textes ya ku Katanga. Itapokelea
ma textes yote ile inatoka ku ma fwashi kule bantu bana semaka kiswahili
kia mu njia (hapana kia mu bitabu sa kia ku Tanzania). Kama kuko ma textes
ya mu ma luga ingine ile bantu beko bana sema mu ma ville, sa vile tunasemaka
kiswahili ku Katanga, hiyi ma archives itaipokelea tu.
Ukifungule ma archives ya hiyi
site utakutanamo déjà ma textes ya mu journal ya Mwana Shaba;
ma théatre ya Mufwankolo; , ma mafundisho ya bajamaa; adishi ya
Zaire vile Tshibumba Kanda Matulu ari ipentaka pa ma mifuko ya bunga ya
farine, mawazo ya butungu pa namna ile alikuwa anaona Bulaya ku ma 1890;
masungumuzo ya baba Fabian na baba Ngoie Nday; na ma commentaires ya baba
Kalundi pa kitabu ya baba André Yav pa vocabulaire ya kiswahili
ya mu Elisabethville.
Tunakuomba weye ule uko unatusoma
hapa sasa utusaidie kunenepesha hiyi ma archives ya site yetu. Ututumie
ma poèmes, ma barua, miandiko ya maisha ya bantu ao autobiographies,
ma textes ya mambo ya mungu. Hata kama ile ma textes ni yako privés
ao kama uri isoma mu bitabu ao mu ma revues, ushishikiye boka sababu hatuta
i tangaza pasipo kukuuliza ao kukutaya. Njo kusema kama tuta respecter
ma droits yako ya copyright kabisa.
Tunataka tena kukuomba kintu
kia muisho. Kama uko unaandika kitabu ao articles pa ile ma documents
unavumbula umu mu ma archives yetu, utu pashe habari. Shiye na shiye tuta
weza kukusaidiya sababu tuta kupasha habari ya ma kazi ingine ile bantu
beko na andika pa ile ma documents ya mu archives. Tena ukiisha ile kitabu
ao articles yako tutaweza ku yi tosha mu journal yetu ya luga na mazowezo
ya bantu ba mu Afrika ya katikati.
and Popular Culture in Africa
c/o Vincent de Rooij
Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
University of Amsterdam
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185
1012 DK Amsterdam
The Netherlands
v.a.derooij [at] uva.nl
revised/updated: 6 February 2018
Construction and maintenance of this site by Vincent
A. de Rooij
Archives of Popular Swahili, Vol. 17
Swahili is elephant meat: A play by Mufwankolo and two members of his troupe, transcribed, translated, and commented by Johannes Fabian
Archives of Popular Swahili, Vol. 16
Churches proliferating – where will it end?
A play by Mufwankolo and two members of his troupe, transcribed,
translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian
Archives of Popular Swahili, Vol. 15
“Prayer groups” in Lubumbashi:
A conversation with Régine Tshitamba and members of her family, recorded 24. 6. 1986 at her home in Lubumbashi, Zone Kampemba, transcribed,
translated, and commented on by Johannes Fabian
Archives of Popular Swahili, Vol. 14
The Jamaa Files, transcribed,
translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian
Archives of Popular Swahili, Vol. 13
Conversations with the painters Mwenze Kibwanga and Pilipili Mulongoy, transcribed,
translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian
Archives of Popular Swahili, Vol. 12
Conversations about Katanga Genre Painting in the 1970s, Conversations with the painters Mwenze Kibwanga and Pilipili Mulongoytranscribed,
translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian
Archives of Popular Swahili, Vol. 11
Swahili remembered: Two conversations, transcribed,
translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian